Friday, August 22, 2008

What color????????

Your Blog Should Be Purple

You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything.

You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey.

You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say.

Isn't that what blogging is all about? Listing my thoughts and feelings? Recently someone told me I hurt their feelings (and no it was not my hubby-He likes reading my blogs even when it is negative about him as sometimes he finds things out or understands me better by reading it.) ok back to what I was saying they said I hurt them by blogging my thoughts but I had not mentioned their name and not a sole knows of whom I referred. Now they are no longer friendly with me. They disagreed with my actions in a situation and turned their backs on my family. It amazed me and floored me. I already was having a tough time. I now feel I can share with everyone what all was going on. The surgeon refused to do my surgery just days before as I was critically anemic (a flat 7 with a 28) whatever that REALLY means. The only good thing was my blood clotting numbers were normal. He said he was amazed I was mobile and not passing out. I had too many white blood cells and my red blood cells were abnormal looking. He thought I may have cancer--of the spleen, lymphoma or leukemia. Tests so far have not confirmed any of that. I am still glad he chose not to at that point. We just did not know. At this point, I may just have an infection or something going on with my spleen. They have given me extra b12 shots and I seem to be absorbing my iron pills better with those. I have actually gone up 2 points in 2 weeks. I am still awaiting my appt with a hematologist but the PCP is working with me in the meantime. The surgeon said no way am I cutting you open at this point. The hematolgist will have to clear you and your numbers be up into the normal range first. Hubby was home when I got this news but I knew he would not be here whenever the diagnosis would come. But so far it does not appear to be cancer and I am going to think positive about it. After losing Christina, my best friend from college, a year ago to really threw me for a loop. I think it would anyone who has children and an absentee husband. Believe me he is an absentee only cause he is deployed. Otherwise he is very hands on. But this is his career and we have to deal........
Along with this news we also had two new additions, our foreign exchange girls joined our family and we were all trying to get to know each other and find our way. To get settled in a routine, etc. But seemed to have too much outside interference at first. Cell phones and internet can be great things and at other times damaging. We attempted to limit this and things were going great. Friendships were being made and relationships were starting to develop. Then a message received via email. "Call a face to face discussion needs to happen within the next 2 days...I cannot express how imperative this is." 12 hours before my husband headed back to war we were forced to make a decision or felt we were at that time. We made one (a rash one but with our time restraints it had to be) and I guess that decision forever damaged my relationship with this friend. Christian compassion is nowhere to be found even though the stress on me was tremendous at that moment brought about by one too many things thrown at me in rapid fire. I am just numb about it all. I am struggling with dealing with other Christians at this point. Everyone is suspect. How many are true, how many are fake? Do people truly try to live out their faith or is it just an act on their part? Is there such thing as Christian charity or compassion or does everyone judge another? I know at times both John and I have fallen into that trap but usually not at the same time and we call each other out on it. This month has really thrown me for a loop...not at all what August was supposed to be like.
every other rough time in my life I have felt God there......amidst the chaos and strife. This time I don't feel him but am hanging on to the faith that he is there. Gotta tell's harder to pray when you are hurting and when you see kids hurt. He has proven it to me before.........answered prayers many a time. I know he is there, I know he understands, I know he forgives, I know he heals, I know these things thankfully...... just wish I could feel them this time. I guess it is just going to take some healing time before I do. I covet your prayers. We still are awaiting a diagnosis and I still would LOVE my surgery. I was so looking forward to not carrying this tire of skin around or these bhb's (basset hound boobies) as I have so lovingly nicknamed them. So my purple blog is all about me........but isn't that who you logged in to read about? Me and my thoughts? If not you logged in to the wrong blog. But thanks for reading and please pray for me anyway. It would be much appreciated. as I am having such a difficult time doing that these days on my own. I have been able to joyfully say the prayers with my girls still but my private one on one time has been rather dry.......


Anonymous said...

~*Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow; we must fail in order to know. Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears. But in the end we are stronger*~

Peyton's Mom said...

Baby girl...I wish I had words to say...know that I love you and will (I promise) set aside time tonight to light candles, meditate, and pray for you.....

I'm sending tons of cyber (((hugs))) and lots of love....

Take good care honey --- always know that no matter how far I am away, I'm holding you close in my heart....

Anonymous said...

Jesus promised that in this world we will have trouble, so let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful (Heb. 10). And when those moments come that we feel abandoned by God, let us take heart knowing that for now we see in a mirror dimly, but there is going to be a day when we will see face to face. Yes, sister, one of these days, we shall know fully (1 Cor. 13:12). God simply has not revealed all of the information we need to be able to judge and assess all the trials in our lives and all the suffering in our fallen world. We may never understand the trials we go through on this side of glory. Consider Job’s sufferings and how he never once knew the reality behind his suffering. We, the readers of Job know why he suffered, but he himself never knew and after forty chapters of questionings and turmoil, all Job could do was utter to God: “Behold I am insignificant…” and “I know that Thou canst do all things…I have declared that which I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know…But now my eyes see Thee, Therefore I retract and I repent…(Job 40-42). I believe that when we know in full, we will declare God just and true, and that perhaps we will wish that we hadn’t been so quick to condemn Him for all our earthly trials.
Although I must say I do not think you are condemning him for your seem to be holding on and seeking his face. May God Bless you. with much love-J

Anonymous said...

Our prayers and hearts truly do go out to you and the countless families that are sacrificing so much for freedom and democracy. I can only imagine how rough it must be for you all. Clearly, you cannot do it yourselves-- the Lord has to help. And we know that His joy will be your strength in every matter of life. The older I get the more I realize that life is really quite hard. Disappointments, illnesses, deaths, relationships, children, parents, finances, job security, church life, community life, etc. can ALL bring us to our knees at times! But, God. He will never leave us. Never give up on us. Always have our best interest in mind. Always carry us through whatever the trial is. This has been, and continues to be, my testimony. I'll bet it is yours as well.

Please send me an address where I can send a couple CDs your way? I'd be honored, for old times sake.

Blessings and prayers,
your sister,

Anonymous said...

I know it's hard mom. Having a worthless kid around doing nothing but playing and sleeping and asking for stuff that's like alot of money. I try so hard to help. But I just can't get my actions to submit.