Sunday, July 27, 2008


Can you over do it? Sometimes I think maybe. In the last year, I have started the Angel Food program here in our area, became head moderator for Freecycle, worked with the FRG as a key caller, taught a homeschool co-op class, babysat 2 little boys, started a food pantry, became Missionary president and church secretary. I started most of these thing while hubby was home but handling them all plus my kids gets tiring. I love being busy but lately have found the business takes time away from FREE time. Those spur of the moment down times when you can actually do something fun. All other times is full of cleaning, kids or projects. We played hooky from church today to make some time. We played at the pool in my neighbors yard all day. It is 7:57 she is keeping my two oldest, the baby is down for the night and I am free to go to sleep. I will too as it is storming and John will be calling sometime after midnight with an update as to his arrival in the impending future. Could be days or hours won't know until midnight or so. Seems like something has to go at the moment. Trying to weigh what God wants most from me and what his plans are. Sometimes that is not so easy. All of the things started out as a mission, where I felt I was serving Christ in some capacity but some are now chores and lack appeal but I can not go by feelings alone.


Peyton's Mom said...

(((hugs))) to you my friend....

Just a (worthless??) piece of advice....

As a woman, sometimes you get so caught up in the "BUSY"ness - that you miss the important business you need to tend to....take a step back --- clear your mind --- give yourself time to sort the 'good' stuff from the 'god' stuff.....

My thoughts & prayer are yours....

Karen Sherrill said... ...A Wise Woman Builds Her Home...
Look under Challenging posts...very "challenging" for me anyway ;o). It has been a blessing and an encouragement (for me) to read through her blog.

When Shannon went to Korea for a year I decided to become the PTA pres...along with working at the school, volunteering at the school, Childrens missionary director, Sunday School teacher, got so bad that now Shannon will only let me "do" a little when he is gone so I don't over do it and have a meltdown! Been there done that and don't want to do it again ;o).