Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Time is slipping away

Kendra went to work today with my neighbor and her daughter. She went along to help in one of the three stores they own. Kinda odd to think of her possibly having a real job in just a few short years. Good experience and something different. I expect she will come home bored! Time is slipping away quickly when it comes to how much this child has grown in the last 10y 7 months. I blinked and she is almost as tall as I am.

Her going on this outing has allowed me to have some one on one time with Danielle this morning as Zoe is still sleeping. Guess what she wanted....... story time (like her sister did last week on the Mom and Me date) and to be held and cuddled. So we are sitting here in my chair, with a sleeping toddler (19 months) and my laptop. I do not want to put her down as she is so cute and cuddly. smells like a baby after lasts nights late night bath. No playing in the dirt smelly kid (She got into the baby bath by reaching up into the basket and shampooing her own hair while supposedly going to sleep in her crib.) She had other plans for me. When I went in to do my final check before I retired, I found her with a soapy head and whimpering. So it was off to the sink for a hair washing....not what she wanted she cried for the bath but that would have entailed toys and more work as the baby bath was in her hair in a thick layer! My fault to some extent as we were working on moving the beds around and I pushed her crib within reach of the basket of "goodies".

I will not be able to sit and hold her soon. My abdominoplasty and lifts are just a few short weeks away. I am excited about the possibility of no extra bounce to my body. I figure 6 weeks will be rough in the holding squirming toddlers aspect. I know I will try anyway and try to do too much but that is just me...as my girls are big on affection and number one in my responsibilities as John is required to go back while I am healing still. After I have healed however it will be good to go I am sure but for now Time is slipping away. I am so thankful that Jenn is coming to help take care of all my girls (all 5 and me of course) after John leaves. It will be great!

1 comment:

Karen Sherrill said...

I know exactly how you feel!!! Just the other day I was holding my squishie twins...now look at them all...big girls, all of them ;o)