Friday, July 11, 2008

Mom and Me time

Zoe started being clingy yesterday and I suspected she did not feel well........tell tale sign of stuffy nose and a cough clued me in along with the extra weariness she showed. This morning, I knew it was going to be a ROUGH day as she was so clingy I had to pull her hands away to pull on my clothes. At that point, I decided to try and make the most of it and give her some undivided attention that she obviously was craving.
So we decided on some things to do together. My thoughts were the park (which she loves) and to the local coffee joint for some hot tea (which she really loves). She calls that place the Tea Party place. After we dropped off the big girl at play practice and Dani at Karen's, we followed her new suggestion and headed home so I could hold her and read stories. She picked out three...and her flashcards. After finishing these up, we changed her clothes, trimmed her bangs and took off for the little coffee shop. While there, we shared a chef's salad, drank green tea, and then bought a apricot bar to go. Then we ended our official date. She is such a pleasure to be around and always happy if not overtired. We just have to work on her lack of patience. When we arrived at Karen's she played with her sister for a bit then was able to take a GREAT NAP in the girl's room while I ran to get the big girls. I believe she ended up sleeping for about 2 1/2 hours!!!!! Well needed too.

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