Sunday, January 6, 2008

Missing socks-I have the answer!

somehow in the last month....I once again have come up with a whole Wal-Mart bag full of socks with no mates. Nowhere to be found as I have searched under beds, in closets, pulled out drawers to look at the bottom of the dresser, etc. etc. All laundry is done and there is an empty basket.
I have come up with the answer for all who wonder.
The sock companies have a 6 month recall on them in order to drum up business. At the end of their allotted time they dissolve in water! Those not made with this special fabric start to get holes instead. It is the only possible answer to what happens to these my kids leave with 2 socks, come home with 2 socks in tow. and now i know as it makes perfect sense to promote future sales.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHA!!! Finally!!! This makes PERFECT sense to me!!!

Finally - validation that I'm not nuts!!! (well --- guess that's up for debate!!)
