Sunday, January 6, 2008


Well the Christmas season is officially over. Sad to say I slacked this year in our teaching of the Advent, Christmas meaning and of the Epiphany. We have a really awesome book to use daily to assist me with this also. I guess with John gone, a homeschooling mother with good intentions just ran out of enough hours to get things done. I think some of the missing my hubby blues played in that too. If I ignore this special time for families it may not be happening without him?!?!?hmmm sounds plausible to me. Only a military spouse can truly understand that though.
Some things are having to be reevaluated in our lives like the K12 program. I like it to some extent but there are things I do not like about it. We are pretty tied to a stringent schedule and child one's learning is tied to those things on that schedule. Not much deviation can take place. That I do not like. It takes us hours to get done possible due to the attention span and interruptions children 2 and 3 make.
Decorations are starting to come down and the house needs cleaned up. Wish it were spring to open up the doors and let some fresh air in. Thank goodness we are in the south and that will happen in just a few weeks. Can not wait for a wave of fresh air through the house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We slacked big time this year too --- having WonderHubby home, the last thing I wanted was to be tied to a schedule!! Our LORD is so faithful & forgiving! HE knows your heart & HIS mercies are made new each day!!

And --- are you kidding?!?! I took our tree down yesterday with the doors open!! Open up those doors & windows!! Even if the girls have to put on a sweater, there's just something cleansing about having that fresh air blowing through!!!