What a strange way to be reminded of a lesson.................but I was.
I cooked Ziti for our Pastor's farewell dinner. Trying to save time, I removed the cooked noodles from the burner and carried it over to the sink and decided to start pouring the water out slowly so that I could transfer the noodles into the sauce ....awaiting it in the crockpot. I held the spoon there and jostled the container to encourage the water to come to the edge trying not to lose any noodles in the process. Several times I had to readjust as I was holding a cast iron pot while struggling with the noodles. I lost several in this fight to win over the water leaving the pot before th noodles made a run for it. Now mind you how I thought this process was going to be faster than reaching 12 inches and opening a cabinet and removing my nice Pampered Chef colander. I can not tell you why I thought that initially, but I did. Eventually I gave in, opened that cabinet and the job was done in seconds flat with no more lost noodles. Had I continued on the way I was I know I would have lost several more little slippery noodles.
While struggling like this and before I gave in..........I was prompted to consider that is the way I am with God's plan for me at times. I know there are many noodles or opportunities that have slipped by as I have struggled to do it my way rather than hand it over to God to take care of in one simple step for him. There are times that it seems like I am in step with God and his plan and then all of a sudden I catch myself struggling with something and realized there is a much more easier way.......
and remind myself to let go and let God................
the struggles of being completely human......thank goodness he loves me so and in no way is anywhere nearly finished with creating and molding me. Dear Lord, Please let me stay supple and bendable to do your will.
cool side note... in adding the link I discovered that Ziti means bridegroom..and the fact that I am working on being a "Created" wife for not only my Earthly husband but eventually my Heavenly father...........that I thought it very "PROVIDENT" that I chose Ziti over any other form of pasta that were available to me in my pantry. Isn't that the way God works? I wonder if I had chosen spaghetti or Lasagna would I have been reminded of the same lesson? things that make you go HMMMMM How interesting that the little choices in life like even picking which pasta should be made so carefully and prayerfully too. No wonder the Bible tells us to pray without ceasing... RECIPE HERE
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