child number 2 will be turning 3 this week. Why does it seem like yesterday in ways and in others that I have lived a lifetime since that point when she came into this world? The past 3 years have flown by when I look at her. I remember before she was here and I was very hormonally pregnant that I feared that I would/could not love her as much as child #1. That was a bunch of hormonal hogwash..........but honest fear. I was and still am very close with child #1 and could not imagine how another would not interfere. The sufferings I put myself through! Thankfully, I soon learned as all do that your heart stretches and your love grows and although she never took over or pushed out child #1 she has found and created her own niche in my heart. Amazing to me that I ever thought it could happen back then or that we would never be close. I am so more mature (ahem ) now. Ha ha ha. Well I learned this lesson along the way as I did not have that fear but looked with total anticipation to growing in love with child #3. Of course this happened as was expected. I may have learned along a mighty bumpy hormonal road, this lesson but know I have many more to learn along the way................as God is not finished with me yet.
While I look at Zoe and think time has passed quickly, I also ponder all the events in our lives that have taken place.
Hubby deployed one week after child #2 was born.........for a year. I went on vacation to WV with the two girls alone so his parents could meet his first born..When hubby came back, we went on vacation to WV, NC, VA and Washington DC and met one of his wounded soldiers and did the typical sight seeing. I had a hernia repair. Went on vacation with a friend for a week staying in a condo at Tybee Island, GA. I also had a partial tummy tuck from my major weight loss. We welcomed child #3 into the world. We went on a Christmas vacation visiting both our families, which meant a trip to Indiana and WV within a week of giving birth to Child #3........my choice as we had a family reunion I was adamant of going to. We embarked on homeschooling, We changed churches twice...one was just too far as I limit my driving around when I eat now and the other was just not HOME to us. We went on a family vacation to Pigeon Forge, TN and Cherokee, NC. We moved off post into a rental house. Hubby deployed again. All this in 3 years. WOW. We definitely feel blessed as all of these things were positive............ very little negative happened within our immediate family. Many thanks for this have been said. With a deployed hubby we have definitely been fortunate. the normal kid sickness and ailments but other than that the normal daily routine can be handled with lots of prayers and few worries without having to cause hubby extra stress while away. God has really sent some great friends along the way to help out when needed.......Thanks guys, you know who you are! But really 3--ALREADY???? Having a hard time wrapping my brain around this one.
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