the other day the weather was fairly nice and had been for several days so I planned an outing to the beach to take some pics of the girls and I to send to hubby in Iraq. I planned out our outfits to ensure we were all color coordinated.......charged the camera battery and even ensured the drinks the toddlers had were not going to leave tell tale signs.
All was well and good and at some point it started to lightly sprinkle. Charge on I thought this is GA and it is typical and will blow over in a moment. It did........but when we arrived at the beach it was blowing as if a hurricane were about to happen. Undaunted and because of my love of the water I drug the family all but child number #1 as she bolted and ran for the water slmost as soon as I pulled in the parking lot. Were the brakes engaged when she jumped from the car....not quite sure as I bellowed after her a reminder to NOT get wet.........this is still winter and the water is freezing. This is before I got past the sand dunes dragging along two toddlers and realizing the sting of the temperature change here.
I was determined to write my love letters in the sand to my hubby although at this point I knew there would be no posed loving pictures as I had two clinging toddlers who were in fear of freezing to death. For some reason child #2 takes awhile to warm up to the ocean .............she does not love it as much as the rest of the family. She does get to a place of enjoyment but it takes some work. Was not going to happen on this day....... I think the big open water and the sound is rather intimidating to her. At least when it is warm I have that going for me. This day I just lost on all points. We are going to have to attempt this again.. I REALLY want those pictures. The portrait studio ones are nice but I like making memories along with taking the pics.............. and I was hoping these would be child #3's official one year old pictures....................
We were able to see a huge jellyfish that had washed up on shore and as always enjoyed the seagulls. I love the ocean and the water and the smell........I figure I better get my fill of it this next year as who knows where the ARMY and GOD will send us next?!?! Please God remember that I do not like being cold please please remember that.....I will go wherever you need us but just thought I would remind you of that small little fact. While Kendra is hoping and praying for somewhere where she can play in the snow.............
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