The search is over...........recently since November we have felt the need to expand our collection of furry critters. We obtained several that were in need of new homes from our fellow Freecyclers. Some were short lived at our home but all found new loving homes as they cycled through our home. First their was beautiful Bo. An Alaskan Husky who was absolutely beautiful and such a tender heart for our girls. Unfortunately he did not like men and nipped several that were visiting out home. He still comes to visit as he lives on the next road with someone from the Ft Stewart vet clinic. He is being well taken care of and is still beautiful. My girls love him but Rosie only tolerated him. Then we try to pacify the girls with hamsters and went and bought two Nadia and Sophia. This made them happy and they adore these little critters. We even bought a new acage with all the tunnels and stuff for Zoe's bday as she loves to watch them. Then we took in Ashlee, a little girl with big potential. She started off telling us when she had to go potty but quickly outgrew that within days and refused to be potty trained. She even went in her cage constantly. She was part German Shephard and Lab and was full of energy and liked playing rough much to my little ones chagrin. They started screaming whenever she came in the room and was being sent to the cage more and more. I felt bad about this but she tackled my babies. We found her a new home. but Rosie was still lonely so when another Freecycler posted her boys. We went to visit and to find out why a new home was being sought. We did not want any more problem dogs. Well we decided on a trial while she recovered from having a hysterectomy kinda like foster care and all is wonderful. Rosie loves these little guys and is actually playing again it is so great to see. We have found what we have been searching for and the boys are just darling. They love the girls and are quickly finding their niche in our lives. Rosie even shares her roost on the couch with them. Imagine that!
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you've been tagged! Go to my blog for directions.
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