Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I've been tagged!!!!!!!!!

okay Beth tagged me today and I am supposed to list 7 little known facts about myself. Kathie formerly tagged me and I procrastinated. Sorry woman!

1. I was adopted as a 4 day old infant. I was born in West Palm Beach, Florida and was the product of an extra marital affair. I met my biological mother in 1998................and found out she was 40 at the time of my birth. We do not have a relationship. I have a half-sister and a half-brother. both were in their teens when I was born.

2. My Mom.....my adopted Mom died the week I turned 17 and my Dad remarried 9 months later. Which was also my senior year in high school. Quite a challenging time for me as he also required me to start working. My cat also died and he gave away my dog. I know without a doubt that God will not give you more than you can handle and man did he stretch me that year!

3. I used to have a holier than thou attitude and thought about many things that I would never do that ...........guess what I think every situation I thought that of God put me through it or I did it all on my own anyway. I have learned Never to say never as God has a sense of humor and must be saying OH YEAH, WATCH! while chuckling to himself

4. In May 1999.......I lost almost everything I owned in an apartment fire. It is an amazing story and quite lengthy. I woke up in the middle of the night with that immediate realization that something was wrong and that I needed to move. I was on my feet before I knew it and headed to the front door as there was a light on in the living room an eerie glow that should not have been there. When I arrived at that point I saw my living room on fire. I went back and grabbed my baby who was almost 18 months and headed to the door. As we were a 4 unit building I pounded on my neighbors door across the hall and headed upstairs to the two families upstairs. Our unit was very close and almost like extended family. Once they opened the door and I said you got to get out we are on firs. or whatever I may have said. I headed back down the stairs and out the front door only to hear them collapse behind me. The neighbors had to go out windows and out their balconies in order to escape. The fire marshall a few hours later when questioning us ....made me show him my arms, feet, etc, as I did not have a singed hair on me or any burns whatsoever. He could not understand it at the time. Within the week I ran in to him at the Billy Grahamn crusade where he was head of security and I was working as the head skiptracer for the commitment cards that are turned in for follow up. When he saw me his only comment was "Now, I know how you got out of the fire unscathed" God really taught me is all you need is him and I am so thankful he spared my daughter and I.

5. I met my husband online by using a Christian dating service called Christiancafe.

6. I would love to have more children as they are my most precious blessings but I believe we are done due to my medical issues. Hubby got snipped because of it.

7. I used to weigh 340lbs and knew that I would not live to see my eldest daughter turn 10 if I did not lose the weight. Gastric bypass saved my life and helped with many of the other PCOS issues. It was my answer to prayer.

okay guys Tag you are it.

I believe

I was forwarded this today and agree. although personally I have to add first and foremost that
I believe in God and that Jesus Christ was sent to save everyone from our sins.........and that he can handle every situation that we confront in this life. Now I can proceed..........as the rest is kinda all about "I" but in my life I am trying my best to take a back seat and let God have center stage.

A Birth Certificate shows that we were born

A Death Certificate shows that we died

Pictures show that we lived!

Have a seat . . . Relax . . . And read this slowly.

************ ********* ********* ****
I believe ..... That just because two people argue, it doesn't mean
they don't love each other. And just because they
don't argue, it doesn't mean they
do love each other.

I believe... That we don't have to change friends if we understand
that friends change.

I believe .... That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to
hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.

I believe.... That true friendship continues to grow, even over the
longest distance. Same goes for true love.

I believe .... That you can do something in an instant that will give
you heartache for life.

I believe ..... That it's taking me a long time to become the person I
want to be.

I believe..... That you should always leave loved ones with loving
words. It may be the last time you see them.

I believe .... That you can keep going long after you think you

I believe ..... That we are responsible for what we do, no matter how
we feel.

I believe .. That either you control your attitude or it controls

I believe .... That heroes are the people who do what has to be done
when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

I believe.... That money is a lousy way of keeping score.

I believe..... That my best friend and I can do anything or nothing
and have the best time.

I believe..... That sometimes the people you expect to kick you when
you're down, will be the ones to help you get back up.

I believe..... .. That sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be
angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

I believe..... That maturity has more to do with what types of
experiences you've had and what you've learned from them
and less to do with how many birthdays you've

I believe..... That it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others.
sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I believe..... . That no matter how bad your heart is broken the world
doesn't stop for your grief.

I believe..... . That our background and circumstances may have
influenced who we are, but we are responsible
for who we become.

I believe ....... That you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret.
It could change your life Forever.

I believe . .... Two people can look at the exact same thing and see
something totally different.

I believe..... .. That your life can be changed in a matter of hours by
people who don't even know you.

I believe..... . That even when you think you have no more to give,
when a friend cries out to you - you will
find the strength to help.

I believe..... . That credentials on the wall do not make you a decent
human being.

I believe ..... That the people you care about most in life are taken
from you too soon.

The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Furry Critters

The search is over...........recently since November we have felt the need to expand our collection of furry critters. We obtained several that were in need of new homes from our fellow Freecyclers. Some were short lived at our home but all found new loving homes as they cycled through our home. First their was beautiful Bo. An Alaskan Husky who was absolutely beautiful and such a tender heart for our girls. Unfortunately he did not like men and nipped several that were visiting out home. He still comes to visit as he lives on the next road with someone from the Ft Stewart vet clinic. He is being well taken care of and is still beautiful. My girls love him but Rosie only tolerated him. Then we try to pacify the girls with hamsters and went and bought two Nadia and Sophia. This made them happy and they adore these little critters. We even bought a new acage with all the tunnels and stuff for Zoe's bday as she loves to watch them. Then we took in Ashlee, a little girl with big potential. She started off telling us when she had to go potty but quickly outgrew that within days and refused to be potty trained. She even went in her cage constantly. She was part German Shephard and Lab and was full of energy and liked playing rough much to my little ones chagrin. They started screaming whenever she came in the room and was being sent to the cage more and more. I felt bad about this but she tackled my babies. We found her a new home. but Rosie was still lonely so when another Freecycler posted her boys. We went to visit and to find out why a new home was being sought. We did not want any more problem dogs. Well we decided on a trial while she recovered from having a hysterectomy kinda like foster care and all is wonderful. Rosie loves these little guys and is actually playing again it is so great to see. We have found what we have been searching for and the boys are just darling. They love the girls and are quickly finding their niche in our lives. Rosie even shares her roost on the couch with them. Imagine that!

Ziti Wisdom

What a strange way to be reminded of a lesson.................but I was.
I cooked Ziti for our Pastor's farewell dinner. Trying to save time, I removed the cooked noodles from the burner and carried it over to the sink and decided to start pouring the water out slowly so that I could transfer the noodles into the sauce ....awaiting it in the crockpot. I held the spoon there and jostled the container to encourage the water to come to the edge trying not to lose any noodles in the process. Several times I had to readjust as I was holding a cast iron pot while struggling with the noodles. I lost several in this fight to win over the water leaving the pot before th noodles made a run for it. Now mind you how I thought this process was going to be faster than reaching 12 inches and opening a cabinet and removing my nice Pampered Chef colander. I can not tell you why I thought that initially, but I did. Eventually I gave in, opened that cabinet and the job was done in seconds flat with no more lost noodles. Had I continued on the way I was I know I would have lost several more little slippery noodles.
While struggling like this and before I gave in..........I was prompted to consider that is the way I am with God's plan for me at times. I know there are many noodles or opportunities that have slipped by as I have struggled to do it my way rather than hand it over to God to take care of in one simple step for him. There are times that it seems like I am in step with God and his plan and then all of a sudden I catch myself struggling with something and realized there is a much more easier way.......
and remind myself to let go and let God................
the struggles of being completely human......thank goodness he loves me so and in no way is anywhere nearly finished with creating and molding me. Dear Lord, Please let me stay supple and bendable to do your will.

cool side note... in adding the link I discovered that Ziti means bridegroom..and the fact that I am working on being a "Created" wife for not only my Earthly husband but eventually my Heavenly father...........that I thought it very "PROVIDENT" that I chose Ziti over any other form of pasta that were available to me in my pantry. Isn't that the way God works? I wonder if I had chosen spaghetti or Lasagna would I have been reminded of the same lesson? things that make you go HMMMMM How interesting that the little choices in life like even picking which pasta should be made so carefully and prayerfully too. No wonder the Bible tells us to pray without ceasing... RECIPE HERE

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What a day

Today was one of those days that tredged along....nothing especially good or bad happened.... but at what is close to the end of the day, the house does not look like a tornado hit it and my sink is shining. Today was one of those days where so far I had it all together......we even made our WIC appt on time and I had a few moments online with hubby I was able to get to the post office to mail off some Valentine items to some little ones I know that needed a long distance hug and run by to check on an ill friend. Rarely does the day go so smoothly that something does not get shoved to the side or back burner. I sit here hoping that I may actually make it in bed sometime before midnight as child #1 is almost done with schoolwork. She even was able to play outside with a new neighbor for awhile. We have learned to split her day. A few hours in the morning/nap time for the littles and a few hours at night. She seems to grasp the material at night more than working during the day. Usually that works out best and then we sleep in in the morning (since hubby is deployed we no loner get up with him at the crack of dawn=Pt at 5am). Although when he comes home our schedules will readjust accordingly so dear do not worry. Have to tell you how much I enjoy an empty sink. Thank you Flylady for your tips. I cannot possibly do all you suggest daily but when I apply your housekeeping tips they do work for me. If I had a learner that was more independent I cold get more housework done but since I don't the tips do help handle all the chaos. Imagine what the house would look like if I could stop and apply all her tips. You might actually be able to open closet doors without taking cover when doing so.
I even have everything ready for the Angel Food Distribution on Saturday since I am the one over it at our church. Today was a YEAH ME day. But today was an extraordinary day and I expect tomorrow to be a normal day with a house full of kids, dog, puppy and hamsters...today was a nice reprieve as I expect tomorrow will be back to our normal ZOO atmosphere. But today was a nice break so I may actually be able to go to sleep without the thoughts of oh no I was supposed to do this too..........better get back up and do it. That tends to happen about 4x as I prepare to fall asleep every night. So hard to be organized when my hubby is not here. I miss you so much honey!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

3 already??????????

child number 2 will be turning 3 this week. Why does it seem like yesterday in ways and in others that I have lived a lifetime since that point when she came into this world? The past 3 years have flown by when I look at her. I remember before she was here and I was very hormonally pregnant that I feared that I would/could not love her as much as child #1. That was a bunch of hormonal hogwash..........but honest fear. I was and still am very close with child #1 and could not imagine how another would not interfere. The sufferings I put myself through! Thankfully, I soon learned as all do that your heart stretches and your love grows and although she never took over or pushed out child #1 she has found and created her own niche in my heart. Amazing to me that I ever thought it could happen back then or that we would never be close. I am so more mature (ahem ) now. Ha ha ha. Well I learned this lesson along the way as I did not have that fear but looked with total anticipation to growing in love with child #3. Of course this happened as was expected. I may have learned along a mighty bumpy hormonal road, this lesson but know I have many more to learn along the way................as God is not finished with me yet.
While I look at Zoe and think time has passed quickly, I also ponder all the events in our lives that have taken place.
Hubby deployed one week after child #2 was born.........for a year. I went on vacation to WV with the two girls alone so his parents could meet his first born..When hubby came back, we went on vacation to WV, NC, VA and Washington DC and met one of his wounded soldiers and did the typical sight seeing. I had a hernia repair. Went on vacation with a friend for a week staying in a condo at Tybee Island, GA. I also had a partial tummy tuck from my major weight loss. We welcomed child #3 into the world. We went on a Christmas vacation visiting both our families, which meant a trip to Indiana and WV within a week of giving birth to Child #3........my choice as we had a family reunion I was adamant of going to. We embarked on homeschooling, We changed churches twice...one was just too far as I limit my driving around when I eat now and the other was just not HOME to us. We went on a family vacation to Pigeon Forge, TN and Cherokee, NC. We moved off post into a rental house. Hubby deployed again. All this in 3 years. WOW. We definitely feel blessed as all of these things were positive............ very little negative happened within our immediate family. Many thanks for this have been said. With a deployed hubby we have definitely been fortunate. the normal kid sickness and ailments but other than that the normal daily routine can be handled with lots of prayers and few worries without having to cause hubby extra stress while away. God has really sent some great friends along the way to help out when needed.......Thanks guys, you know who you are! But really 3--ALREADY???? Having a hard time wrapping my brain around this one.

Monday, February 4, 2008

The best laid plans.......

the other day the weather was fairly nice and had been for several days so I planned an outing to the beach to take some pics of the girls and I to send to hubby in Iraq. I planned out our outfits to ensure we were all color coordinated.......charged the camera battery and even ensured the drinks the toddlers had were not going to leave tell tale signs.
All was well and good and at some point it started to lightly sprinkle. Charge on I thought this is GA and it is typical and will blow over in a moment. It did........but when we arrived at the beach it was blowing as if a hurricane were about to happen. Undaunted and because of my love of the water I drug the family all but child number #1 as she bolted and ran for the water slmost as soon as I pulled in the parking lot. Were the brakes engaged when she jumped from the car....not quite sure as I bellowed after her a reminder to NOT get wet.........this is still winter and the water is freezing. This is before I got past the sand dunes dragging along two toddlers and realizing the sting of the temperature change here.
I was determined to write my love letters in the sand to my hubby although at this point I knew there would be no posed loving pictures as I had two clinging toddlers who were in fear of freezing to death. For some reason child #2 takes awhile to warm up to the ocean .............she does not love it as much as the rest of the family. She does get to a place of enjoyment but it takes some work. Was not going to happen on this day....... I think the big open water and the sound is rather intimidating to her. At least when it is warm I have that going for me. This day I just lost on all points. We are going to have to attempt this again.. I REALLY want those pictures. The portrait studio ones are nice but I like making memories along with taking the pics.............. and I was hoping these would be child #3's official one year old pictures....................

We were able to see a huge jellyfish that had washed up on shore and as always enjoyed the seagulls. I love the ocean and the water and the smell........I figure I better get my fill of it this next year as who knows where the ARMY and GOD will send us next?!?! Please God remember that I do not like being cold please please remember that.....I will go wherever you need us but just thought I would remind you of that small little fact. While Kendra is hoping and praying for somewhere where she can play in the snow.............

Superbowl memories and ads

have to say that I did not watch it this year as my hubby wasn't here.......but I am glad that Peyton's brother won! Keeping it in the family. After living in Indy all those years from 4th grade until marriage except for the college years and my short stint in Chicagoland to be near my college buddies....until we all decided that it was just way too bitter cold for us and moved away about the same time. They went to Jacksonville and I went back to Indy. But as usual I digress......

I remember back in college one of our Advertising class assignments was to watch the Superbowl and turn in a list of our favorite ads. Cool assignment...cool prof. He looked like a straight up NERD but he was the coolest, most caring man and we were all sad when he left as he was just one of those teachers that made his subjects come alive! I think that was when Budweiser started with their really cool commercials......to see a bunch of private liberal arts Christian school kids sitting around talking about beer commercials was almost TABOO........but we did and did not even feel guilty as it was assigned!!!!

so YEAH ELI!!!!!! You learned it all from your big brother! I still wore my colts t-shirt to bed last night........

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Greatest Show on Earth

4 free tickets..... and my two littles were still small enough to be lap buddies... so I offered to take two of my friend K's family along with us.........since I had 4 tickets and only Kendra and I could inhabit only two of them.... I only had two to share so they had to work it out between them who would go as I was not choosing nor knew who might even be interested..... So it worked out that I had four extra hands to help corral my little ones. Yippee for me I knew that would make it more enjoyable and taking the older girls would make it more enjoyable for child #1. The show was great (like the name) and had lots to include all ages.......child #2 liked the preshow where she was able to dress up like the "princess" as she called the show girl in the all too skimpy outfit. (But I tell you my 3 year old loves to run around naked and I have teased about her being a nudist someday so if she aspires at this point from this interaction to have this future job at least she will be running around more covered than I presently expect and I will have made progress in the right direction!) Child #1 is getting in that pre-teen stage where it was good but no specific favorites. Child #3 I fear liked the distinguished gentleman that sat in front of us the best. I was pretty entertained with the big cats.....one was not quite wanting to obey and seemed rather grumpy and slow to respond to her orders. I was engrossed in what would happen and not quite paying attention to the happy baby in my lap. She was happy and bouncing and I think it took a couple of swipes from her before I realized she was bopping this poor guy in front of me on his head. I apologized profusely and he was very gracious and reminded me that he was a father and not to worry about it. and soon as the poor gentleman turned around she kicked him in the head. He laughed-----I was devastated but what can you say to a 12 month old besides NO! firmly and remove her from the temptation so she was handed off to Amie but was not happy there and began screaming. Eventually M&M's won her over but after being shared with her sister (the other chocolate loving toddler) they were gone all too soon. So Mommy had to come up with something else....cotton candy! I struck gold but all the kids loved it and it did not last long either. Thankfully a doggie show came on that caught all their attention and the poor gentleman was able to catch a few uninterrupted moments of the show without having to deal with a baby beating him up or screaming behind him. K's girls seemed to have a good time and took lots of pictures--maybe their blog will have pics up one of these days. As my battery died at some point.............I have some but they have more actual circus type pics than my family ones.