Thursday, October 23, 2008

Kisses or Prayers

When Kendra was little, I started with her education that God is bigger than Mommy. With no active father figure around at that point (this was 10 years ago....), I wanted her to know that Mom did not have all the answers and despite my attempts at it... Mom is not Superwoman. That God has more authority and knowledge than me. I started with a simple little thing. When she got hurt and came running to me for kisses, I asked Kisses or Prayers? Is this something Mommy can take care of or is it bigger and a God thing? I have continued this tradition with my other kids as I see it works. Today Zoe stubbed her toe......and asked for prayers. When we were done, I asked how it felt. She replied Good. As she got up and started running from my lap she yelled Thank you, God. Then stopped in the doorway and turned around and said Thank you Mommy for praying with me. I responded immediately with tears and an " made Mommy happy to...anytime kiddo. I love you." It was just one of those moments I want to record on my heart and in my memory forever.

1 comment:

Peyton's Mom said...

...just one of those moments I want to record on my heart and in my memory forever....


me too....thanks for sharing with us *&* especially with the babies!