I received my absentee ballot in the mail today. Talked with Kendra about how important is to vote and how women and blacks not so long ago were not able to cast their vote.
That everyone has a responsibility to cast their ballots but do so with knowledge of the candidates not just as a whim. That the candidates need researched and that you should pray over your decision too. This follows up on a constant theme of pray without ceasing in everything give thanks talk. A reminder that she should be praying about everything. That God does care about the little things just like Mom and Dad if not more so. I remind her and the littles that God loves them even more than Mom and Daddy do on a regular basis.
I am very concerned about the future my children will have and pray that this nation does not put in office someone whose agenda could be to destroy us from within. Who said he will stand with Islam..not just hearsay but it is in his book. That scares me. I truly feel God will turn his back on us....not individually but as a nation. My hopes are that people are truly praying over their decisions and have researched the candidates and are not going off of what sounds good. Yes, we need to make some changes..........and no one is saying we don't, just how we go about it is the concerns. Please pray for America and for the future we have here.....as it could ALL change within 6 months!!!!!!!
In reading back over this anyone who does not personally know me may think I am the type to go nuts over things like the Y2K scare. I am not and even being a new mommy at that time, I think maybe I bought an extra pack of diapers and wipes and that was about it. nO Stock piling etc. no real fear. This time however, my soul is anxious over this. I know God has my family in his hands no matter what but I of course want life to stay easy and much like it is. We as Americans have it easy and do not have to face many issues that other countries do.........I want it to stay that way and pray it does.
Yassou Greece!: Greek Salad
Since they discovered Hadestown last year, my kids have been very into
mythology. So it only made sense to travel to Ancient Greece. We began
with ...
4 years ago
Really? You read his books? I read both of them. He never said that he would "stand with Islam". That is completely false.
He has said that he would sit with world leaders and discuss what should happen...what a novel concept. Seems like that is what is happening this weekend- but because we no longer have real realtionships- the discussion is short and not coming up with anything.
Maybe you should attempt to read what the candidtates write and say- not just the rumor mill of fear mongering.
I lived in McCain territory and have been a lifelong Republican----there needs to be a change and it I hate to see it stop because of racial fear.
BTW- we do not call African Americans "black" and have not in a LONG time.
as the mother of a bi-racial child......She and her father's family prefer black as they are not from Africa and do not want to be considered so. Many of my friends also prefer black to African American and yes, I read a book that clearly stated his stance and it clearly swayed me.
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