Monday, April 7, 2008

Moving on to new goals

Moving on...........yesterday my hubby and I were able to chat online for quite sometime. He told me, however, that he was packing. Packing--why? We are moving soon. OH NO, more to deal with. God handle this please. I can't ask so many questions that are burning on my tongue and he can't tell me any answers anyway. How much does the military powers that be think these guys and families can handle? 3rd deployment in 5 years, this one is SO much harder. I think that I am a fairly strong person and pretty independent. I have faith in God and know from where I do get my strength. But Lord, I need my man home, I need his love and encouragement and wisdom for these daily tasks of living and raising three of your Princeses. These girls need their Daddy. A move..... another move, to places unknown. Safer? highly doubtful or there would not be a need for them there. I do know he will not have internet available in his room. So we are going to do the Iraq cell phone thing. Prepaid and hope he is able to call sometimes. Lord, please keep my hubby safe........January is so far away yet. I am glad that R and R is upcoming and not so far away now.

Help me Lord, not feel addicted to the TV news and internet so that I can take care of things at home. The house is slipping more daily. So hard to pull myself away when I feel this leash to the computer and the hopes that he may have an opportunity to get on.

I was able to weed through the toys last night and pulled out two trash bags of broken, lost or missing piece toys. The girls will not even notice they are gone. They had so much..........we will not be buying toys for quiet some time. Tomorrow after we do school, I am tackling the closet in their room and weeding out some clothes and shoes.
Child number 1 has big big as mine and we are now sharing shoes. I keep finding my shoes on her feet or in the middle of a room where she has kicked them off. She soon finds them on her lap with the order to put them away where they belong. Since we now have two puppies that are chewers this is more important than ever.
So not only is my hubby moving on, I am in attempt to get life less messy in our house. If things are put away, the boys (our puppies) will not destroy it. Here is hoping that the girls follow willingly and we are able to hold each other accountable.


Karen Sherrill said...

Know that you are loved and thought of often at the Sherrill house!!! Don't hesitate to call if you need anything...even if it's a shoulder.
Love You Friend,

Peyton's Mom said...

Prayers for you dear sister...know that we lift your family up regularly....

And Jerri - THANK YOU for all of this wonderfulness you bestowed upon our family.....I had done some digging & found some chicken & three pancakes but now - WOW - we're eating like kings!! May the KING of KINGS bless you in abundance for your generosity....

Much love & many thanks to you all....