Sunday, April 13, 2008


Today I heard from one of my daughter's friends that her Mom has been keeping a BIG secret for quite some time. This is a break up the relationship type secret. Not going to give details. But I was floored, shocked, to the audacity of the depth of this secret over something that should never have been. In reality, it could be great news. Her fiancee is in Iraq and had to deal with finding out something months after. I knew he was having a hard time with something a few months ago and have been praying for him but thought it was the war and that type of stuff. Now that I have some details I feel for him more. I want to jump in and help but there really is not anything to help with or do or say. I sent a quick note that we are praying for him and that we have some details now in hopes that if he needs a friend to discuss it with he can search my husband down or even myself. He sent a quick note back that said thanks!

secrets are not anything to keep in a relationship. secrets turn into a web that trips you up. I am thankful that John and I share everything. I can not think on any subject of what I would keep from him. The only time I kept something from him was after my gastric bypass, he was in Korea and I refused to allow anyone to send him pictures of my weight loss. I wanted him to see me in person. I wanted to see the look on his face myself. As it was he walked by me twice at the airport before I tapped him on the shoulder! That secret was not to hurt him type secret......just an anticipation type thing. He knew it was coming and eventually would see me. Just a whole person less of me! 145 lbs to be exact.
Please pray for this soldier many changes and dynamics will take place in his life now that the secret is out. It could go either way. He appears to be leaning on the Lord and I know God holds him in his hands. I have reminded him that we are praying for him. Please join me in that.

update:It appears a new life is on the horizon for this man we hold in high esteem. We have shared a few emails since. I did not have the whole story at first and still do not but am not looking for the gory details anyway. I see a need... a deep gashing wound and praying that God can heal it quickly. It bothers me that a 10 yr old child is caught in the middle of adult secrets, lies and fabrications. She is totally unsure what is going on. Her older sister is also caught in the middle and feeling like lies are the only way to go to cover up. What a shame. Healing is necessary and all I can say is that I am grateful this child wanted to run to our house for the weekend. It had been awhile but she longed to be there. Our doors are always open. May we be an example of God's love to others that they feel and when in need come to where they are open to finding that peace and love forever in their own lives. Thanks my blogging friends for sharing this burden with me.

1 comment:

Peyton's Mom said...

Prayers & more prayers.....

WonderHubby & I share everything it is, he has the other half of my brain & it wouldn't do any good to try to keep something from him in the first place! ;)

I despise these types of 'secret' things - especially when the 'other half' has their boots on the ground over tragic.....

Love & prayers for all concerned....