Sunday, February 1, 2009


When I returned on Thursday, the Doc was not there as his mother-in-law had just passed away in hospice. So please remember him and his family in your prayers. The nurses were able to remove another 90 cc's of fluid and made the appt for Tuesday again. My lower scar seems completely healed and I can move freely now and it is much easier to get in and out of bed. A little rug burn feel every now and then but that is from the scar tissue stretching they said.
Now the upper half seems to be slowly making progress. I will be glad when the fluid disappates totally but it seems better but maybe that is just the pain killers talking!?!?!?
I did get up and make some new to us food for Zoe...........her doc mentioned putting her on the Ketogenic diet. Well that eventually will entail a hospital stay for her to go totally Ketogenic but we can incorporate some more low carb meals into our diet. Maybe that will help more. We also are going to start with a food diary to see if maybe a possible food could be her trigger since meds have had to be upped twice within a month. I would prefer if possible to try a more healthier attempt to control it then to increase meds constantly. I am willing to try anything than to ever see another seizure. so we made french toast pancakes. They were good.....really good. but instead of bread you crush up .....ready for this? pork rinds.....yep that is right pork rinds...they have no carbs. and everyone loved them. I will provide recipe if anyone is interested. We also made low carb carrot cake...........and found out Zoe does not like cream cheese. She likes the cake but not the frosting. It will be trial and error to find out the likes and no likes with this new diet.
Zoe's birthday is coming up and we have special plans for her. Doc has already approved it as it is two weeks away and he said if I take it easy until then. He has no problem with a long weekend at Disney. but shhhhhh. Do not tell. She has no idea she will be having breakfast with the Princesses in a Castle. Nor see Cinderella her favorite in person. We are taking advantage of Disney's gift to the military of one free week long ticket and $99 for all additional week long tickets. Plus we already have two 3 day tickets left over from years ago. The hotel we are staying at has deep military discounts with free breakfast, free parking and shuttles to all attractions. We did this for Kendra's 4th or 5th birthday too. Next year we will be too far to travel this far for it so this year it seems more reasonable to do it. and as always no looking back to say we should have......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jerri -- I just found your blog and have only read the top post so far. I'm not sure what you're recovering from, but between that and dealing with ADHD for one child and seizures for another, it sure sounds like you have your hands full. Disney sounds great!

I found your blog because you mentioned the ketogenic diet, which my daughter started at the end of October. It's been terrific for her -- slowly getting better. She failed four medications before we started, so we're grateful for the improvement.

Swing by my blog if you want to get some links to other folks who are on the diet.
