When John returned from OIFIII, we went to visit one of his soldiers at Walter Reed while he was on block leave. These two have developed quite a friendship over the years. We watched as he started a new relationship with Jenn who is now his wife of 3 years and they now have a little baby boy on the way. One of the first things John wanted to do upon his arrival home from OIFIV was visit Donald again. It worked out perfectly that my parents were in the next town visiting other family. So we were able to knock two birds out with one stone as people say. the only downfall was our Expedition blew a bladder. stupid rubber type piece probably only worth a few bucks is going to cost us a bundle as half the engine has to be removed to get to it. We ended up getting a rental to get home as Zoe had her Neuroligist appointment today. I got the news I expected but dreaded hearing. She has epilepsy...although the doc explained they are trying to lose that term and go with seizure disorder as the term epilepsy has a antiquated negative thought process that causes people to not get past. Irregardless we started a medication today and I am to keep a diary as to when she wets the bed or pullup and when she has seizures. The medication will be upped everytime she has a seizure and if we can go a year they will back her off the meds. I knew in my heart but man hearing it really is like getting a punch in the stomach. I hope never to see my daughter suffer thru this again. I know she has no idea what has happened but it is so hard to see. Attached are some pics from our weekend. When I can figure out how to download from the camera I will have some pics of her hooked up to the EKG machine. She wanted everyone to see her headdress. She is such a trooper. When talking with Jenn on the instant messenger tonight. Jenn said that news made her so sad she could cry. Zoe said oh no don't do that I will be okay, I am okay do not cry. My Princess Sunshine, she so wants to make everyone smile and happy. I know her smile lights up my heart. My little trooper I love you girlie. We are just hoping the medicine does not cause her aggression during the mood swings to worsen. These times last about 5-10 minutes and then she becomes a very loving kissing touchy kiddo. So we covet more prayers everyone. We know God has a plan and we are just along for the ride but man I wish to be on a track that is straight and on a gentle incline not a rollercoaster but I guess whatever gets us to his destination will be alright.
Yassou Greece!: Greek Salad
Since they discovered Hadestown last year, my kids have been very into
mythology. So it only made sense to travel to Ancient Greece. We began
with ...
4 years ago
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