Not real sure where I stand on trick or treating these days..............over the years it seems to have changed. When I grew up every house handed out was an odd house that did not. My Dad walked me around with a bunch of the neighbor kids and Mom stayed home and handed out the candy. As we do these days, the candy was checked before we could eat it unless of course we KNEW the family. In our small town in NJ, it seemed that we knew all the neighbors. These days, we only know a few neighbors and it is a random house that hands out candy and there are rarely Dad's out there walking the kiddos......that could be because we are military and a lot of the Dad's are deployed but even then the few Dad's I did see were with the wife too. Times sure have changed.................Our kiddos did go Princesses. We are constantly reminding them that they are God's Princesses and Daddy's too. Kendra wa unable to find a princess outfit but found this belly dancer and said she performs for the Princesses. hmmmmmmm. I guess in a way in real life she does.
Yassou Greece!: Greek Salad
Since they discovered Hadestown last year, my kids have been very into
mythology. So it only made sense to travel to Ancient Greece. We began
with ...
4 years ago
1 comment:
you left out,
Kendri went as a BellyDancer,
Na Jeong went as a British Charm School Girl. And you handed out candy why Na,me,Zoe,Danielle went with Miss
Karen and Carla and Andrea... Not to be rude but.....................
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