Today we learned about spiders. Zoe practiced her letter S and Dani colored. Kendra had to identify and label the anatomy and we created our own spiders with paper plates. Oh the many uses they have! We read about spiders and learned they have 8 eyes, 8 legs and are really nothing to be scared of. Even those that are poisonous are not so bad....they can be but the majority of the damage they can do is minimal to humans. Maybe this will stop the squeals and screaming every time the girls see one. I hope so. We learned that they eat most of our pesky flying bugs that annoy us.....especially while here in Swampland. They remake their web every night. All that work....can you imagine? I think the girls may actually like the spiders now. At least they now respect them vs being down right frightened.
Yassou Greece!: Greek Salad
Since they discovered Hadestown last year, my kids have been very into
mythology. So it only made sense to travel to Ancient Greece. We began
with ...
4 years ago
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