safe and sound. So very good to be able to see him, to touch him, to watch the kids with him. Zoe is his shadow and the poor guy can not even sleep without finding her standing over him just to make sure he is still here. Today he had an errand to do and Danielle cried at the door since he went without anyone. It is so good to see the kids enjoying him being here. Kendra with her pre-adolescent ways I can't tell as much. At times she seems a bit put out but she tends to want to be in the same room too. She even came in the bedroom a couple times last night and crawled into bed between us for a few moments....then other times she rolls the eyes and walks off. John is not sure how to handle this more mature female under his roof. In ways she is still a little girl in other ways she appears to be more mature at least temporariy until she throws a put out attitude. She wants the attention but at the same time is embarrased and unsure about receiving it from him. He is trying to find his way with her. Hopefully the next 48 hours will be smoother than the last. We have had a great time just want everyone to feel comfortable, loved and that they all have a important position in the home. This was the case when he left so it should be easy to fall back into.
will post lots of pictures later............the camera batteries are recharging right now.
We took a few at the airport, the park, reading stories over and over and just hanging out.
Welcome Home John!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry about Ken --- she's got to find her feet again --- she's been mama's sidekick for how long now?! All of a sudden Daddy wants to walk in & be #1 buddy, friend, & confidant?! The nerve!! ;) She'll get through it & you'll even let her live!!
SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad he's home! Give him a HUGE hug from all of us!!
And hey --- these moments are all too precious & fleeting --- GET OFF THE COMPUTER!! =0)
YEA!!! Tell him the Sherrills said HI and Welcome Home!!!
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