The day before yesterday was rather challenging with the kids. I could not keep up with the littles. Child 1 was working on homework trying to finish up the school year and then was sent outside to play as she had been in all day. This was after an early dinner. The littles dumped a whole bag of cereal on the floor searching for the marshmallows and "feeding the dogs" they claimed. They had asked to get the dogs a treat and I thought they were getting a dog bone out of the closet until I heard the bag dump. While I was cleaning up this mess, they proceeded to go into the school room and quickly found the poster paint..........bright red in color too. They painted the new comforter and bed, each other and left little handprints on everything between that room and me in the kitchen.........including the couch and chair and each other. Child #3 came in the room holding up her hands, telling me to See, See! At first I had no clue as to what was on her hands and then it hit me. Did you know poster paint when dry will not come out? I do now. I first got their hands clean to stop the madness, then grabbed the comforter and threw it in the washing machine. Then started on my furniture. There is a faint trace of shading in places now but I doubt anyone will truly notice. The bed, however, is probably ruined. I think we will flip the mattress but for now the door has been closed and I am trying to forget that room is even there. The paint is now in the trash. A new bottle bought with the hopes of making welcome home signs for Daddy. Oh well. Then they decided to shower themselves with the pile of folded laundry. At this point, I screamed for help from child #1. They still had red dripping hair and needed bathed and their clothes trashed.........and I was losing my patience. Thankfully days like this do not happen often. They ganged up on me and man was I outnumbered. Then, after the bath, child 2 (age 3) decides to let the dogs out. She even asked and I said yes, but did she let them out into the fenced backyard? Nope, out the front door for me to have to proceed to get in the car and chase them down. We have neighbors down the street that are non dog people and called animal control on me once and on top of that the dogs had just gotten fixed and still are healing with stitches from their surgery. Cannot have them running to hurt themselves. So, when I returned child #2 was in tears as she had wanted to go with me......around the block to find the dogs. Naked and dripping running through the neighborhood...NOPE, not happening. Child #1 was in the process of trying to dry and dress them but child#2 was having no part of it. She finally climbed up in my lap and cried herself to sleep. Child #3 at 16 months, seeing Sissy there decided she had to join her and climbed up on the other side of my lap. within 30 minutes both girls were asleep and thoughts of how to keep them all warm and cuddly and well-behaved brought visions of such devises as this cartoon to my mind. I never truly would do it but for a moment it crossed my mind! I wonder if God ever losses patience with us when he sees or catches us making messes. Is this when he calls in reinforcements with the Holy Spirit, Angels and then ultimately Jesus to save us from our sins? When all he wants to do is hold us close and love on us watching over us while we sleep and thinking of all the possiblities our lives hold? Just like a parent even when my kids make huge messes I still love them, their actions will not and can not ever stop that...just like God still loves us despite our messes. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm.

New Yorker: Parenting Humor Cartoon for 04/18/2008
Cartoons © 2008 The New Yorker - Cartoonbank.com. All rights reserved
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