Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I have discovered a new passion.?!? Maybe.... it is one I would like to have but it is very time consuming but will be great to accomplish and will mean a lot to my family. I made a kid's quilt a few weeks back with a friend that was here for the weekend. I was satisfied with my little project and the little girl that got it was thrilled as she had helped me all weekend with it. She is in Kindergarten and was also in for Spring Break....although a different family. They used to be our neighbors on post.
My girls, well the two oldest ones have loved picking out their material colors and choices. Zoe picked bright oranges, golds, yellows and green. Sunshine and the color of growing things! CERTAINLY FITS HER. I have always called her Sunshine. She has chosen the Dresden pattern and has been thrilled as she sees me cut out the pieces for it. Yeah you are making my quilt thank you Mommy. Can be heard every time she sees me with her material.
Kendra has picked turquoise, hot pink and an assorted print that has several colors in it. All jewel type tones. Considering she likes performing and singing this seems appropriate for her also. She has had a difficult time picking out a pattern but found one with stars on it that she likes online......now I have to find a matching pattern. I think this one is more like an applique.but do to my inexperience with quilting. I will have to find out when I find the true pattern.
Dani seems to like everything so I think I am going to make hers last until I get the other girls done. She may start showing preference for certain colors by that point. She is only 16 months now. I have time, well God willing I have time.
I want to make my girls something special and fill it with love and prayers for their lives. I want them to remember Mom being busy with something productive and have something to show for it. I spend a lot of time on moderating Freecycle, working with Angel Food, being church secretary and teaching them. I want them to not only remember that I loved them but to have good memories of being involved and how important that is. I want them to relate their quilts to serving others, to learning the word of God, to living Holy lives. I am hoping that this is not only another project for me but a prayer project for each of my girls.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

For this is what the LORD says—
he who created the heavens,
he is God;
he who fashioned and made the earth,
he founded it;
he did not create it to be empty,
but formed it to be inhabited—
he says:
"I am the LORD,
and there is no other." — Isaiah 45:18 NIV

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wonderful Invention

Check out this song: 'Wonderful Invention' by The Katinas.

Band page: http://soundclick.com/thekatinas

Song page: http://soundclick.com/share?songid=3482319

This song originally was sung by the group Truth back in 1986/7? I remember a group of kids singing it in the quad. I have always loved the song as it is upbeat and so full of life. This is my theme song!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

525, 600 minutes

Today is my anniversary- 6 years! Yet, we have not spent a single anniversary together. My wonderful hubby has always been deployed or in the field every year since. How do we measure love............not by cups of coffee, but by phone calls and im's and moments together. I really miss you honey. I love you much more today than I did 6 years ago when we took our vows. Being a military spouse is not at all easy but I would not change a thing. Looking forward to many more years being your help-meet. All my love, Jerri

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Today I heard from one of my daughter's friends that her Mom has been keeping a BIG secret for quite some time. This is a break up the relationship type secret. Not going to give details. But I was floored, shocked, appalled......as to the audacity of the depth of this secret over something that should never have been. In reality, it could be great news. Her fiancee is in Iraq and had to deal with finding out something months after. I knew he was having a hard time with something a few months ago and have been praying for him but thought it was the war and that type of stuff. Now that I have some details I feel for him more. I want to jump in and help but there really is not anything to help with or do or say. I sent a quick note that we are praying for him and that we have some details now in hopes that if he needs a friend to discuss it with he can search my husband down or even myself. He sent a quick note back that said thanks!

secrets are not anything to keep in a relationship. secrets turn into a web that trips you up. I am thankful that John and I share everything. I can not think on any subject of what I would keep from him. The only time I kept something from him was after my gastric bypass, he was in Korea and I refused to allow anyone to send him pictures of my weight loss. I wanted him to see me in person. I wanted to see the look on his face myself. As it was he walked by me twice at the airport before I tapped him on the shoulder! That secret was not to hurt him type secret......just an anticipation type thing. He knew it was coming and eventually would see me. Just a whole person less of me! 145 lbs to be exact.
Please pray for this soldier many changes and dynamics will take place in his life now that the secret is out. It could go either way. He appears to be leaning on the Lord and I know God holds him in his hands. I have reminded him that we are praying for him. Please join me in that.

update:It appears a new life is on the horizon for this man we hold in high esteem. We have shared a few emails since. I did not have the whole story at first and still do not but am not looking for the gory details anyway. I see a need... a deep gashing wound and praying that God can heal it quickly. It bothers me that a 10 yr old child is caught in the middle of adult secrets, lies and fabrications. She is totally unsure what is going on. Her older sister is also caught in the middle and feeling like lies are the only way to go to cover up. What a shame. Healing is necessary and all I can say is that I am grateful this child wanted to run to our house for the weekend. It had been awhile but she longed to be there. Our doors are always open. May we be an example of God's love to others that they feel and when in need come to where they are open to finding that peace and love forever in their own lives. Thanks my blogging friends for sharing this burden with me.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Sisterly Love

Today I sat back and watched my girls interract. I was pleased with what I saw and just knew I had to blog about it. Child2 was sitting on my lap and child3 decided to climb up there also. Usually one goes to each side and then cuddle in the crooks of my arms so each is snuggled up close. Tonight, the littles were not happy with that and child 2 and child 3 faced each other with child 3 practically being held by her BIG sister. For anyone who knows my girls, despite the 22 month difference, they are almost the same size. One wears a 18 month old size and the other a 2t. They sat there giggling and sharing kisses and thoroughly enjoying each others company. child 3 ended up turning enough so she was leaning up against her sister and they settled down to watch a tv show. Eventually child 3 squirmed down and went to her other sister child #1 and really settled down and started dozing.
I sat there completely enthralled and ecstatic that my girls truly love, like and trust each other. I, being mostly an only child, am so grateful that they have each other and I pray that they always remain friends, playmates and confidants throughout life.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

a simple love note

There are just some days where I have to marvel at the timing of the Holy Spirit . . . just when you wonder where the Lord went, He sends you a personal message . . . and it's always a love note!

ps. the picture my Dad took at their former house overlooking the barn...

and I know the Lord never goes anywhere but is always there. It is usually me that has become preoccupied to realize that........tied up in daily chores, holding onto my worries, etc. Is it not great that he cares so much to reach down in ways to show us his love? Sometimes we miss it but how wonderful when we realize it is HIM and are able to recognize it as his love for us!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Moving on to new goals

Moving on...........yesterday my hubby and I were able to chat online for quite sometime. He told me, however, that he was packing. Packing--why? We are moving soon. OH NO, more to deal with. God handle this please. I can't ask so many questions that are burning on my tongue and he can't tell me any answers anyway. How much does the military powers that be think these guys and families can handle? 3rd deployment in 5 years, this one is SO much harder. I think that I am a fairly strong person and pretty independent. I have faith in God and know from where I do get my strength. But Lord, I need my man home, I need his love and encouragement and wisdom for these daily tasks of living and raising three of your Princeses. These girls need their Daddy. A move..... another move, to places unknown. Safer? highly doubtful or there would not be a need for them there. I do know he will not have internet available in his room. So we are going to do the Iraq cell phone thing. Prepaid and hope he is able to call sometimes. Lord, please keep my hubby safe........January is so far away yet. I am glad that R and R is upcoming and not so far away now.

Help me Lord, not feel addicted to the TV news and internet so that I can take care of things at home. The house is slipping more daily. So hard to pull myself away when I feel this leash to the computer and the hopes that he may have an opportunity to get on.

I was able to weed through the toys last night and pulled out two trash bags of broken, lost or missing piece toys. The girls will not even notice they are gone. They had so much..........we will not be buying toys for quiet some time. Tomorrow after we do school, I am tackling the closet in their room and weeding out some clothes and shoes.
Child number 1 has big feet............as big as mine and we are now sharing shoes. I keep finding my shoes on her feet or in the middle of a room where she has kicked them off. She soon finds them on her lap with the order to put them away where they belong. Since we now have two puppies that are chewers this is more important than ever.
So not only is my hubby moving on, I am in attempt to get life less messy in our house. If things are put away, the boys (our puppies) will not destroy it. Here is hoping that the girls follow willingly and we are able to hold each other accountable.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I am a Military Wife

I Am A Military Wife

Author Unknown

I am a military wife - a member of that sisterhood of women who have had the courage to watch their men go into battle, and the strength to survive until their return. Our sorority knows no rank, for we earn our membership with a marriage license, travelling over miles, or over nations to begin a new life with our military husbands. Within days, we turn a barren, echoing building into a home, and though our quarters are inevitably white-walled and unpapered, we decorate with the treasures of our travels, for we shop the markets of the globe.

Using hammer and nail, we tack our pictures to the wall, and our roots to the floor as firmly as if we had lived there for a lifetime. We hold a family together by the bootstraps, and raise the best of 'brats', instilling in them the motto: "Home is togetherness" , whether motel, or guest house, apartment or duplex. As military wives we soon realize that the only good in "Good-bye" is the "Hello again". For as salesmen for freedom, our husbands are often on the road, at sea, or in the sky, leaving us behind for a week, a month, an assignment.

During separations we guard the home front, existing until the homecoming. Unlike our civilian counterparts, we measure time, not by years, but by tours - married at Petawawa, a baby born at Gagetown, a special anniversary at Uplands, a promotion in St Jean. We plant trees, and never see them grow tall, work on projects completed long after our departure, and enhance our community for the betterment of those who come after us.

We leave a part of ourselves at every stop. Through experience, we have learned to pack a suitcase, a car or hold baggage, and live indefinitely from the contents within: and though our fingers are sore from the patches we have sewn, and the silver we have shined, our hands are always ready to help those around us. Women of peace, we pray for a world in harmony, for the flag that leads our men into battle, will also blanket them in death.

Yet we are an optimistic group, thinking of the good, and forgetting the bad, cherishing yesterday, while anticipating tomorrow. Never rich by monetary standards, our hearts are overflowing with a wealth of experiences common only to those united by the special tradition of military life. We pass on this legacy to every military bride, welcoming her with outstretched arms, with love and friendship, from one sister to another, sharing in the bounty of our unique, fulfilling military way of life.

A ringing phone

Earlier than normal in our household the phone rang this morning. Although I went running for the phone. I was upstairs about to get in the shower and the phone was downstairs in the kitchen. (why are they never where you need them) by 3rd ring it goes to voice mail. I spotted what number had called...a local government number. HMM...the hospital calling to remind me of an upcoming appointment perhaps? Then the phone rings again as I am listening to a hang up. I amswer to hear my hubby's voice. Immediately my heart jumps into my throat. Oh no what has happened...is he okay? He sounded tentative on the phone. Oh no what is up? mere seconds tick which seem like an eternity. He soon gets to the point of his call..
It was a call about the JAG appointment a no big deal call. Well really it was a big deal call but not a life threatening....stop the heart and breathing call that I first thought it was.
If things were not so chaotic and uncertain over there.....instead of the immediate fear that jumped into my body when I would have heard his voice it should or would have been filled with complete joy. Funny how circumstances can change your response to things. I need to be more aware of that and how I react in the future cause I think it sounded like I was not happy to hear from him at first. I made sure to let him know how good it was to hear his voice and that I sure do love him. When we talk later I am going to make it known how surprised I was.......It ended up starting the day off great. How fortunate I am to be able to talk across the ocean to him.........
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.
— Psalm 62:7-8, NIV

For years, I have prayed for child number one's father. Although he is a great guy, he has made poor choices in his life that had taken him farther and farther from church. Last summer, he had the opportunity to spend some time in our home and to meet my husband for the first time. Although it was kinda odd at first for all, it ended up being a great time of healing for each of us. My husband had a preconceived idea of him, he had no clue what my hubby would be like, and child number one had tried building a wall between her and my hubby at times. Feeling a bit like where should my loyalties lie how can I be faithful to both of you? Spending time and doing things together and allowing one on one time for Daddy M and daughter and making sure that happened were instrumental in this healing.
Daddy M Has not played a prevalent part in her life ever.....always his choice. Until this last year.......... as we have pushed Kendra into what is now a comfort zone with him. She now will pick up the phone and call instead of making her do so. This is all a good thing. Some decisions have been made in her Daddy M's life lately that seem like he is getting life back together again. We have had many conversations about attending church again and we tell him constantly that we are praying for him. This seems to have made the ground fertile. It seemed to touch his heart when Kendra said she remembers praying for him everynight all her life! Even when he was entirely out of the picture. Satan of course is not liking this and has thrown some severe obstacles in the way the last 5 days.
After prayerful consideration, we are going to write off the child support that he is in arrearage for our family. Although it is quite a chunk and would be very beneficial to our family. We are making it without it. He has come a long way and we fear despite the fact that this was a poor decision on his part, circumstances played a part too in the fact that she is now one of 5 children and he is struggling with those payments too.
Our other option was allowing him to go to jail for not paying child support and not only does he lose a good job that he has been on for 5 years, but 4 other kids will also be affected....who he is trying to support. This will also cause anger to get back into him and he will put up that wall of resentment again and it will or could be years until he comes back around. Destroying the fact that he is now open to attending church and praying with our daughter and us. He believes in God and just needs to recommit. I just want to reach out and push him over the edge he seems to be straddling.
We feel at peace with this decision..it is only money and God knows and will meet us at whatever need we may have in the future. He knows our intent......and our hearts. We trust in HIM, and feel we are being guided in this although it does seem a strange direction. But as always, we follow where he leads. If it wins another soul for him more to HIS GLORY. PLEASE PRAY WITH US ABOUT THIS.