A few of my friends and I have been reading the book "Created to be His Help Meet" by the Pearls. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning and gleaning from my peers and this book. I feel like I have grown so much spiritually and that this has helped my marriage in ways I did not know it would. My husband and I have always had a good marriage....yes we have had rough patches and struggles but we have always known that our marriage vows were made to stick and knew that God was the center of our marriage and it would not fail. The ideas and insights that I have gleaned from this book have helped me to change in little ways that have allowed my husband to take center stage. Some place I know I was hogging now. I have to side note that it is hard being a military spouse whose husband is in and out of the house to not step into the leader role as for years on end basically I am it as far as who our children see on a daily basis. We have made steps to make sure to ask Dad first this go round before we make too many decisions without his input. I always know what his answer will be...........but the girls are realizing that I am deferring to him and the respect is growing for him on a daily basis. This was something that totally was depleted last time and I was not sure how to fix it....as it was not something I intentionally did. I always wondered if it was because Kendra and I came into the marriage together at 4 years.....and I have always been her constant. We also had Kendra's Dad out to visit last summer and I think seeing both her Dads interact on a friendly non competitive level with each other made a huge impact for the positive in her relationship with both. Anyway, our Bible study seems to be changing and some dear friends are dropping out and others seem to be coming in.......I hope that the dynamic of being able to learn and grow continues. As I am impressed with how my feelings for my husband have changed too. I now seem to be able to relate better to him and seem to cherish him more. I actually think I love him more by the day. I know I love him more today then the day I married him. I appreciate the fact so much that he married me at what I think was my worst and I am so grateful that he is blind to my faults. We had that discussion today. He said what faults. I said they are there and blatant but if you do not see them I sure am not going to point them out to you for you to recognize them. We just laughed then. I am so blessed to have him in my life---he makes me want to be a better wife and help-meet daily.
1 comment:
LOVE the pictures!
I hope your study through the book continues --- I pray that the growth we're all experiencing through it (& I'm still studying it too!) continues.....I will be praying for your new group & the new arrangement with the church, etc!
Blessings beyond measure, my friend....
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